What does "Error -29" in the FBox "EMail Init" mean?

FAQ #101590

This error message code of the "E-Mail Init" FBox (when trying to send a mail) indicates that the authenthification on the SMTP server failed.

The most common reason therefore is that the password or the user name is not correct.


It is not possible to send EMails and the FBox "EMail Init" indicates the error code -29.

Possible reasons
The most common reason therefore is that the password or the user name is not correct. However, it is possible that one of the following reasons are responsible for the failed authentication:

  • The user name or the password is too long.
    In earlier PCD Firmware versions, the size for the user name and the password string was fix limited to a maximum of 24 characters. This limit was enlarged to 128 characters in firmware 1.16.18 and newer.
    Following systems are concerned:
    - PCD1.M2xx0
    - PCD2.M5xx0
    - PCD3.Mxxx0
    Please update the fimrware to the version to version 1.16.27 available on the support site.
  • The user name (often an email address) contains one of the following expressions:
    - @d, @h, @l
    - $d, dH, dRxxxx
    If this is the case (and e.g. the "$D" will be replaced with the current date by the firmware, please add a second "@" or "$" (--> @@d) in order to avoid the interpretation of the text during the transmission.


PG5 2.0 / E-Mail

Local FAQ Deutschland / E-Mail library

PG5 2.0 / E-Mail library

Last update: 29.05.2015 06:23

First release: 29.03.2011 14:27

Views: 47065

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
