What are the main differences between OPC server version and

FAQ #101539

This FAQ lists the main differences between the latest currently available OPC server and its predecessor.

OPC Server version (June 2017)

New features

  • Support of PG5 2.2.130 or later
  • Possibility to export/import the header line on the export/import file.


OPC Server version (January 2014)

New features

  • Support of PG5 2.1.120 or later
  • enhance the possibility of the integrated OPC-client
  • support of IEEE32 and IEEE64 float format.


OPC Server version (December 10)

New features

  • Support of PG5 2.0.150
  • Support of up to 14336 flags
  • Supports the directly configuration of S-Energy counter with serial S-Bus interface:
    - AWD3
    - ALE3
    - AWD1.

OPC Server version (April 09)

New features

  • Support of PG5 1.4.300




Software (except PG5) / OPC Server

Last update: 28.06.2017 11:53

First release: 06.12.2010 10:42

Views: 6288

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
