Why can't I install patch 1 for PG5 2.0.150?

FAQ #101537

Unfortunately it was not possible to install patch 1 (available from the support site between November 24 and December 1st 2010) on some Windows7 systems.


It is not possible to install patch 1 for PG5 2.0.150 on all systems (the probelem was reported on Windows 7 systems).
In some cases the following error message appears and the installer is aborted:
Saia PG5®V2.0.150 is not installed. Please install it before installing this patch.

Please download the version Patch version 1a or later from the support site. With this version the installation should work fine also on Windows7 systems.



PG5 2.0 / Installation

Last update: 27.05.2015 15:37

First release: 01.12.2010 11:32

Views: 37467

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
