Why does the screen of a QVGA MB Panel (B&W) remain black?
FAQ #101532
In very rare cases it can happen that the screen of a QVGA MB Panel PCD7.D457BTCF (black/white) remains black and the backlight is no longer switched on (only if firmware 1.10.45 is installed).
The backlight of the screen from a PCD7.D457BTCF remains black even when touching it or when writing the backlight container from the PCD. The only way to light the backlight again is powering the MB Panel off and on again. The firmware installed on the panel is 1.10.45.
Due to a problem in the firmware 1.10.45 the backlight of the MB Panels PCD7.D457BTCF is not switched on correctly in some very rare and random cases.
Only the MB Panels in gray tones is concerned, the MB Panels with colour display (QVGA and VGA) are not concerned by this problem.
Please update the firmware to version 1.10.59 or later (e.g. to version 1.10.60 which is used in production since beginning December 2010). The according firmware files are available on the support site.
PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)
Last update: 28.05.2015 09:10
First release: 17.11.2010 10:58
Views: 18706