Why does the FBox "System hot water 2.0" not switch off after the temperature limit during disinfection has been reached?

FAQ #101492

With the DDC Suite version 2.6.172 (or 2.5.172 for PG5 1.4) the FBox "System hot water 2.0" (in German: "Anlage WWB 2.0") did not switch off even after the "temperature limit during disinfection" has been reached.


With the DDC Suite version 2.6.172 (or 2.5.172 for PG5 1.4) the FBox "System hot water 2.0" from the Family "DDC Systems and clocks" did not switch off the output "recommended state" even after the "temperature limit during disinfection" has been reached.

Older versions of the DDC Suite did apply the "maximum operation time of the disinfection (legionella) prevention" in every case.

The following FBox library versions do switch the output off immediately after the temperature limit during disinfection has been reached:

  • PG5 1.4: 2.5.172
  • PG5 2.0: 2.6.172


Local FAQ Deutschland / DDC Suite

PG5 2.0 / DDC Suite

Last update: 30.05.2015 21:28

First release: 17.08.2010 12:20

Views: 7443

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
