Why is the reaction to a signal from an EnOcean sensor very slow?

FAQ #101453

In case a version of an Omnio receiver or transceiver which requires "Acknowledge telegrams" has been used, the reaction to signals from EnOcean sensors can be very slow in case the wrong FBox is used.


The reaction to a signal from an Enocean sensor is very slow (the change of state of the sensor is recognized in the Fupla program after more than a second). In the installation an Omnio receiver/transceiver (gateway) produced before September 2009 or after July 2010 is used.

The EnOcean receiver and tranceiver from Omnio which have been produced before September 2009 and after July 2010 do require an acknowledge telegram from the PCD. As the PCD is not sending this ACK teleram, the receiver will repeat the telegram it received from the EnOcean device 3 times (with a retry time of several 100ms) before it will forward the next telegram.

In order to solve this problem, please use the FBox "OM APG03B-RS485 ACK" (see screenshot below). This FBox will send the ACK telegrams for all telegrams received.
In order to use this FBox, the following minimum FBox library versions are to be used:

  • PG5 2.0: 2.6.125 or later
  • PG5 1.4: 2.5.125 or later


Communication / EnOcean

Last update: 01.06.2015 07:14

First release: 02.07.2010 09:59

Views: 8258

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