MP Bus Fan Optimizer FBox solution

FAQ #101442

Belimo offers an external hardware for fan optimizing. This external hardware is not necessary when using the PCD. Since October 2009 we offer an FBox solution for fan optimizing.


The Principle
In air conditioning plants with room controller based on VVF systems exists a big potential for saving money by reducing the electrical energy consumption of supply air fans depending on the level of the VVF dampers. The idea is quite simple. Get a feedback of the output level of each VVF controller, build the maximum from all of them and reduce the suppply air pressure until the first damper gets an output level of about 85%. In effect the pressure is lower in the air channels, the energy to drive the pressure is lower, the noises are reduced, the heating and cooling registers work with smaller output levels and depending on the system the part of the heat recovering system grows.

The Belimo Fan Optimizer as external hardware
Belimo offers an external hardware for Fan optimizing (COU24-A-MP). If a PCD is used for the MP-Bus communication this Fan Optimizer is just transparent for the PCD. The PCD does not influence the Fan Optimizer but generally it is not needed since the PCD can regulate the Fans in the same way.
This external Fan Optimizer can be an option if there is no PCD available in the system or if the programm should not be changed at all. All information and support for this external hardware is offerd by BELIMO

Fan optimizer functionality as FBox solution
Since October 2009 we offer two new FBoxes: Fan Optimizer and Fan Max-position. These FBoxes are part of the HEAVAC library. They can be found under HVC-Controllers. These two FBoxen can fully replace the external hardware Fan Optimizer.
Principle of the regulation with the Fan Optimizer FBox:
Explanations about the parameters of the FBoxes can be found in the FBox help. A small programm example is attached to this FAQ. Please note that PG5 1.4 Patch 14 or higher is required.image



PG5 2.0 / MP-Bus

Last update: 31.05.2015 05:04

First release: 18.06.2010 09:14

Views: 10266

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
