Firmware dependencies for the "DB Access Library"

FAQ #101372

The System Function (SF library) "DB Access Library" allows e.g. copying texts into text or searching an expression within a text. These features have not been present in the first firmware version, and not all featurs are available on all PCD systems. Therefore please refer to this FAQ for the firmware dependency information.


What are the functions of the "DB Access Library"?
The System Function (SF library) "DB Access Library" allows e.g. copying texts into text or searching an expression within a text. The library consists of two parts, where the second part (including e.g. the SearchText function which allows sarching an expressino within a text) is only supported by Saia PCD® COSinus Systems (PCD2.M5, PCD3).
A detailed description of the functions can be found in the context menu of the "Function selector" from the IL Editor from PG5 2.0:

Firmware dependencies
The first part of the new "DB Access Library" consists of the following functions and is supported by the following PCD systems (systems not listed in the table do not support these features):


  • CopyTextBytes
  • CopyBytes
  • CopyDBBytesToR
  • CopyRToDBBytes
  • GetDBItem
  • InitDBBytes
  • InitDBItems
 PCD System Firmware version 

The following functions are only supported on Saia PCD® COSinus Systems but not on systems like the PCD2.M150, M170 etc.

  • SearchText
  • ReadANumberFromText
  • CopyNBytesFromTextToText
  • CopyAValueFromRKToText
  • CopyBytes
 PCD System Saia PCD® COSinus firmware version 

The function "CopyTextBytes" (copy one text into another, and thereby replacing $D, $H, $Rnnnn with date, time, register contents etc.) has already been supported by firmware versions before the ones listed in the first table; for more information please refer to FAQ 100886.



PCD1 / M1x0/M1x5

PCD3 / Mxxx

PCD2 / M5xxx

PCD2 / M1xx

PCD2 / M48x

Last update: 27.05.2015 13:11

First release: 15.02.2010 10:44

Views: 9402

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
