Can I use the "PG5 2.0 Library import" for libraries I bought from Engiby?

FAQ #101357

PG5 2.0 features a library import feature which allows importing FBox libraries from PG5 1.4. This feature can be used for user-written libraries which are not protected and do not require a specific license but it is not recommended for more advanced FBox libraries such as the ones from Engiby.


For ensuring a proper functionality of the FBox library Engiby tests the FBox library for each new version of PG5 and adapts the library in order to guarantee the compatibility with the new PG5 version. In order to take advantage from these tests and adaptions it is not recommended to import the FBox libraries but to use the updated version of the library provided by the author (e.g. Engiby).

How to update an Enbigy FBox library?
For optaining the FBox library version please contact Engiby (an overview of the available, updated FBox library can be found on the Engiby homepage as well, see link below).



Third Party Products

PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries

Last update: 29.05.2015 18:25

First release: 11.01.2010 09:16

Views: 10968

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
