Why is the FBox library not visible in the Library Manager after its installation?

FAQ #101344

With PG5 2.0 patch 3 an FBox library was not shown in the Library Manager after it has been installed (but the FBox installer claimed that the installation was successful).


At the end of the installation of an FBox library for PG5 2.0 (with e.g. patch 3) the FBox installer claims that the FBox library is installed correctly but still the library in not shown in the Library Manager. Thus this library can not be used.

The reason for this phenomenon is that not all FBox files have been installed to the target installation directory (the file *.saialin is missing).

Please install patch 4 or later which corrects this issue. Patch 4 can be found on the PG5 2.0 section of the support site (see link below).



PG5 2.0

PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries

Last update: 31.05.2015 21:56

First release: 15.12.2009 12:50

Views: 35084

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