What are the differences between Modbus library $2.6.104 and 2.6.220?

FAQ #101295

This FAQ contains a list of the main differences between FBox library versions for Modbus (SBC version).


Version 2.6.220 (April 2012)

  • FBox "Define Unit Server":
    The FBox has a new option for the "Unit ID" (UID) to take the value of the:
    - S-Bus station
    - IP node or
    - IP address


Version 2.6.200


  • FBox "Define Unit Client" (Direct/Indirect):
    - Added option "Offset 1->0" 


Version $2.6.104


  • The error output of the FBox "Mapping" could be high even if there is no mapping error. In case this FBox is placed elsewhere in the project the error disappears (corrected for PG5 1.4 in version $1.0.017; this is the last version for PG5 1.4).


Version $2.6.103


  • Translated FBoxes and online help to German and French



PG5 2.0 / Modbus

Last update: 29.05.2015 23:22

First release: 22.09.2009 11:58

Views: 12076

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
