Why does the PG5 build fail when using HDLog File FBoxes?
FAQ #101266
In case a build of a PG5 project containing the "HDLog File" FBoxes fails with the compiler error "Symbol not defined: __stc_id_00000_..." there are two possible reasons:
1. A wrong version of "HDLog File" FBoxes causes a compiler error when used with a trending macro in the Webeditor.
2. Some internal symbols for the FBoxes were not correctly generated
Symptom Error 42: Kokeilu.wsc: Line 1658: Symbol not defined: __stc_id_00003_var_00
On build of PG5 project the following compiler error is shown and the build is aborted:
There are two possible solutions
- old version of FBox library
Please download and install the newest webeditor package or "HDLog File" FBoxes (version 2.1.030 ml.zip) found on the support site. - missing internal symbols
- In Fupla editor right click on the FBox "HDLog File"
- choose "Add Predefined Symbols" then "Ok"
- then make a "rebuild all" in PG5 project manager
- if the message error still appears, do the following steps (here below)
- in the web editor delete the macro "RemoteOffSaved..." you've already inserted
- insert these macros again from scratch
- add desired curves to the macros
- "Build All" in web editor
- Do a "rebuild all" in PG5 project manager
Web Editor5
Local FAQ Deutschland / File System library
PG5 2.0 / File System library
Last update: 31.05.2015 18:27
First release: 29.07.2009 13:45
Views: 7584