Why does the PG5 build fail when using HDLog File FBoxes?

FAQ #101266

In case a build of a PG5 project containing the "HDLog File" FBoxes fails with the compiler error "Symbol not defined: __stc_id_00000_..." there are two possible reasons:

1. A wrong version of "HDLog File" FBoxes causes a compiler error when used with a trending macro in the Webeditor.

2. Some internal symbols for the FBoxes were not correctly generated


On build of PG5 project the following compiler error is shown and the build is aborted:

Error 42: Kokeilu.wsc: Line 1658: Symbol not defined: __stc_id_00003_var_00

1 errors, 0 warnings

There are two possible solutions 

  1. old version of FBox library
    Please download and install the newest webeditor package or "HDLog File" FBoxes (version 2.1.030 ml.zip) found on the support site.
  2. missing internal symbols
    In Fupla editor right click on the FBox "HDLog File"
    - choose "Add Predefined Symbols" then "Ok"
    - then make a "rebuild all" in PG5 project manager
    - if the message error still appears, do the following steps (here below)
    - in the web editor delete the macro "RemoteOffSaved..." you've already inserted
    - insert these macros again from scratch
    - add desired curves to the macros
    - "Build All" in web editor
    - Do a "rebuild all" in PG5 project manager



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Local FAQ Deutschland / File System library

PG5 2.0 / File System library

Last update: 31.05.2015 18:27

First release: 29.07.2009 13:45

Views: 7587

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