Why does the offline trend show more data points than configured in the HDLog FBox?

FAQ #101246

The browser or microbrowser does cash the loaded offline trend lines into an own memory. This leads to the behavior that on the browser more data points than stored on the PCD memory can be displayed.


With the FBox HDLog (integer or binary) it is possible to define the size of the trend which is logged. This size does define the reserved memory for one offline trend curve/line within the memory of the PCD. Every data point of the trend does occupy 8 Byte of memory space.

If a size of 1 kByte is defined for a trend line, the PCD does store 128 trend values for this line.
If the buffer is filled up, then any new value will overwrite the oldest one (if the option "Ringbuffer" is selected).

Every time an offline trend is loaded from the PCD into the web browser or microbrowser then the loaded trends curves are stored in the memory of the web browser or microbrowser.
If after a certain time the same trend is loaded again in to the web browser or microbrowser then the new values are added to the existing memory of the web browser or microbrowser.

This leads to the situation that on the web browser or microbrowser more information is stored than availbale in the memory of the PCD.

To delete the trends stored in the memory of the web browser or microbrowser, just click to the button "Clear logs".



Web Editor5

Last update: 26.05.2015 12:14

First release: 25.06.2009 13:43

Views: 879

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