What is the difference between a PCD3.C200 and a PCD3.C200Z09?

FAQ #101206

The PCD3.C110Z09 and the PCD3.C200Z09 are designed for the direct connection to a PCD3 Compact (PCD3.M2x3xV6) or a PCD3 WAC with a PCD3.K010.


Since the connector for the local I/O extensions is not in the same place on a PCD3 Compact compared to e.g. a PCD3.M5540 the special version Z09 for the C110 and the C200 has been designed.
The PCD3.C110Z09 features 2 I/O slots and the PCD3.C200Z09 features 4 I/O slots.

It is also possible connecting a PCD3.C110 or a PCD3.C200 to a PCD3 Compact (or WAC) by using a cable PCD3.K1x6 instead of a PCD3.K010. 


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PCD3 / Cxxx

Last update: 24.05.2015 09:23

First release: 07.05.2009 14:02

Views: 5674

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