Which Profibus address do I have to choose if the PCD3.M5547 is used as Profi S-IO master or the PCD3.M6547 is used as DP Slave and Master?
FAQ #101178
In this case the Profibus DP address has to be the same address as the MPI address. Other Profibus addresses will not be accepted or can lead to problems.
If the PCD3.M5547 is used as S-IO Master the Profi S-IO address has to be the same as the MPI address.
If the PCD3.M6547 is used as Profibus DP Slave on the second port (orange terminal port 2), this Profibus Slave address has to be the same address as the MPI address.
xx7 Series / Communication
Last update: 24.05.2015 04:46
First release: 01.04.2009 14:17
Views: 2688