RAM chip types to be used as user memory on a PCD1.M1xx or PCD2.M1xx

FAQ #101100

The memory capacity for the user program of some PCD1 or PCD2 types can be extended by plugging an additional RAM chip. This FAQ lists the chip types which have been tested for the use on a PCD1 or a PCD2.M110, PCD2.M120 or PCD2.M150.


Please refer to the table below for the chip types to be used as user program extensions:

 Chip size Chip type  ordering number
 SRAM 1 MBit (128 kByte) 70ns BS62LV1025 PC-70  4 502 7013 0
  MEL M5M51008BP-70L 
 SRAM 4 MBit (512 kByte) 55ns BS62LV4006PC P55 4 502 7175 0
  BS62LV4007PC P55 


PCD1 / M1x0/M1x5

PCD2 / M1xx

Last update: 01.06.2015 00:59

First release: 09.01.2009 16:27

Views: 5110

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
