What criterias are to be fulfilled for sending e-Mails from the PCD?

FAQ #101054

The PCD3 systems equipped with an Ethernet port and the PCD2.M5540 are able to send emails. But sending e-Mails is not only depending on the CPU itself.


The PCD3 systems equipped with an Ethernet port and the PCD2.M554x support SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). Sending emails does not only depend on this feature but as well on the ISP (Internet Service Provider), the firewalls and router configurations between PCD and ISP.

The attached checklist with the criterias to verify with your provider and / or your IT support shall help to check whether sending E-Mail is possible.


Related Files:


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PCD3 / _Firmware xx7

PG5 2.0 / E-Mail

Last update: 31.05.2015 07:41

First release: 24.10.2008 12:04

Views: 10559

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
