Which FBox is needed for the VRP-M from BELIMO?

FAQ #101024

The VRP-M is a universal variable air volume controller (universal VAV controller). For connecting this controller to a PCD over the MP Bus the FBox "MP Actuator VAV" is to be chosen.


Since the VRP-M is used for controlling the air volume the FBox to be used for accessing and controlling this device is the "MP Actuator VAV". This FBox allows to pass the required volume as input (the VRP-M will calculate the required position of the damper by itself).


  • It is not possible to command the position of the damper from the user program (except to close (input "Cls") or open (input "Opn") it completely)
  • In case a VRP-M STP (for constant pressure) is used, the same FBox can be used and the input "Vol" is given as % in pressure instead of volume as for the VRP-M VAV


Local FAQ Deutschland / PG5 1.4 FBox Libraries

PG5 2.0 / MP-Bus

PG5 2.0 / FBox Libraries

Last update: 29.05.2015 04:18

First release: 12.09.2008 13:11

Views: 9220

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