Why is my start-page not displayed in the browser when using SWebConnect?

FAQ #101018

I'm using SWebConnect on my PC or on the MicroBrowser Software to browse my web-project. My start-page (i.e. start.htm) and all my other files of the web-project (except *.tcr) are hold in the local 'Webpages' directory on my harddisk drive (PC) or on the local flashcard (Web-Panel). But my start-page's not displayed. The default Firmware page or the error message 'start.htm file not found' is displayed instead.


SBC.Net WebConnect is used on a PC or on the MicroBrowser Software. The start-page (e.g. start.htm) and all the other files of the web-project (except *.tcr) are stored locally in the "Webpages" on the harddisk drive (PC) or on the local flashcard (Web-Panel).
But when typing the URL in the browser, the start-page is not displayed. Instead, the default firmware page (on a PC) or the error message 'start.htm file not found' (when using the uBrowser on a CE panel) is displayed.

The reason for this behaviour is that the browser requests the start.htm page from the WebConnect, and WebConnect first requests this page from the PCD. The PCD itself already has the default firmware page, because there is no "user specified" start.htm.

The solution is:

  • Create in the 'Webpages' directory a subdirectory with the name of the defined and used SWebConnect connection
  • Put all the project-specific files (except *.tcr, which must be loaded into the user program of the PCD) into this subdirectory.
  • Configure the "Search Order" to "Local then PCD":
  • In the browser on in the uBrowser, configure the full path of the start page (e.g. localhost/MyConnection/start.htm) and not only the URL to the PCD (localhost/MyConnection/).



Last update: 22.05.2015 05:32

First release: 02.09.2008 09:06

Views: 4240

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