How to close a connection of S-Web-Connect?
FAQ #100822
It's possible to open or close a connection of S-Web-Connect (WebConnect 2.x) to a PCD with the use of a URL address:
To change the state of the connection of S-Web-Connect you can use the following URL: <ip>/setup/comps/ma/SaiaBurgess.SCS.WebConnect/SetConnectionState> where: <ip> is either localhost or the TCP/IP address of your PC <stationName> is the name of the station <newState> 0 do close the connection, 1 do open the connection.
It’s also possible to close all configured connections of S-Web-Connect at once:
Last update: 30.05.2015 14:21
First release: 12.11.2007 13:36
Views: 2236