PCD3.Mxxxx Real Time Clock (RTC) corruption

FAQ #100712

Due to a firmware problem the clock of a PCD3.Mxxxx equipped with a firmware x3x older than version 037 can be corrupted in run time.


The clock value of a PCD3.Mxxxx equipped with a firmware x3x older than version 037 can run "accelerated" while the PCD is in run. After a power off / on of the PCD, the clock will be set correctly again.


This behaviour is caused by a problem in the firmware and is related to the "Soft RTC" which has been introduced in version 030.

This problem is corrected in firmware version 037. Please refer to the support site where you can find the latest version of the PCD3 firmware in the section "Product information --> PCD3 --> Mxxx0"



PCD3 / Mxxx

PCD3 / _Firmware Classic

Last update: 01.06.2015 09:16

First release: 07.05.2007 14:17

Views: 1565

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
