Why are my textes not displayed properly?
FAQ #100669
Several textes are not displayed properly on the microbrowser terminal.
Some textes are not displayed properly on the micorbrowser terminal. When displaying the page with the browser the textes are displayed correctly.
The microbrowser terminal is just supporting a few fonts:
Fonts and font style | Size |
Arial |
10 |
Arial Bold |
14 |
Courier New |
10 |
Courier New Bold |
14 |
Tahoma |
10 |
Tahoma Bold |
14 |
Examples of Interpretation of wrong sizes or styles:
Arial 8, 20: Arial 8 becomes Arial 10, Arial 20 become Arial Bold 20Arial Bold 12, 24: Arial Bold 12 und 24 become Arial 12
Courier New 8, 20: Courier New 8 becomes Courier New 10, Courier New 20 becomes Courier New Bold 20
Courier New Bold 10: Becomes Courier New 10
Tahoma 8, 20: Tahoma 8 becomes Tahoma 10, Tahoma 20 becomes Tahoma Bold 20
Tahoma Bold 16: Becomes Tahoma 16
Arial 12 Italic: Becomes Arial 12
Arial 12 Bold & Italic: Become Arial 12
Lucida Calligraphy 12:Becomes Arial 12
Choose a supported font
PCD7 / D4xx (MB Panel)
Last update: 19.05.2015 18:39
First release: 26.01.2007 12:35
Views: 1167