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How to read/write the RTC of the PCD on a S-Web page
FAQ #100567
On the attached example you can see, how the RTC of the PCD could be displayed and modified on a Web-page.
Also it's possible to know, if the PCD is running or is stoped.
To read the RTC of the PCD the FBox "Read Time" have to be used.
To know the date, the ouptut "Day" of the FBox have to be dived with 1000000.
On the S-Web editor the symbol Clock_HMS have to be defined as format HH:MM:SS
The Clock_Date has the format DD.MM.YY
To write the RTC of the PCD the FBox "Write Time" have to be used.
On the S-Web editor the symbol Write_HMS have to be defined as format HH:MM:SS
The Write_Date has the format DD.MM.YY
To know if the PCD is running or not the FBox Load timer is used.
Each cycle the timer is loade with a value 10. If the PCD is not running, then the timer does elaps to 0.
Checking the value of the timer on the Web-Editor allow to know if the PCD is running or not
Timer > 5: PCD is running
Timer = 0: PCD is stoped.
Web Editor5
Last update: 29.05.2015 02:13
First release: 26.06.2006 08:37
Views: 2018