Due to a bug in PG5 1.4.110 some projects created in PG5 1.3 cannot be imported properly
FAQ #100555
The error message "Error 1042: File open error..." appears when trying to import a project from PG5 1.3 to PG5 1.4.110.
When importing a project created in PG5 1.3 a similar error message as shown below appears.
S-FUP: Error 1042 : File open error : 'C:\PlsProg\Pg5 1_4\PS3_82_1\PS3_82_1\hoved.fup' file version : 514 created in: < $1.4.022
This is a bug in PG5 1.4.110 fupla
Attached to this FAQ you can find a new Sfup.exe. You can insert this file into your PG5 1.4.110 root folder and replace the old one. This will fix the problem.
PG5 1.x
Last update: 31.05.2015 07:00
First release: 25.04.2006 15:04
Views: 696