SBC USB install problem and F-Secure Antivirus 5.40 or Comodo Firewall or Client/Server Security Agent from Trend Micro

FAQ #100511

Our USB driver cannot be installed, if is F-Secure Antivirus installed on your PC

The same behaviour occurs also if the Comodo Firewall is installed on the PC

The same behaviour occurs as well if the Client/Server Security Agent from Trend Micro is installed on the PC


A possible solution is to boot Windows in Safe prior to installing the driver


If a PC uses F-Secure Antivirus 5.40 then SBC USB installation hangs the whole operating system (only reset button can be used). If F-Secure is uninstalled, USB driver can be installed without any problem.

The problem occurs at the end of USB installation. After making a system restore point, the file copy window is still animating, but the whole computer was hanging only the mouse was working.(switched off  the system restore too, but nothing changed) After it  switch off and on the computer to get it work again.

The same behaivour occurs also if the Comodo Firewall is installed on the PC.
After uninstalling the Comodo Firewall software it's possible to communicate witheout problems over USB.

The same behaviour occurs if the Client/Server Security Agent from Trend Micro is installed on the PCD. It has to be uninstalled, deactivating does not help. After the installation of the USB Driver the Client/Server Security Agent from Trend Micro can be installed again. It does not has an influence on the USB driver after the installation

(Possible) solution:
Boot Windows in Safe Mode (hold F8 while booting). So you'll be able to install the driver without getting windows hanging. Afterwards you can boot normally and the USB driver should be installed. This has to be done every time you connect the PCD to a different USB port on the PC.



PG5 2.0 / USB

Last update: 19.05.2015 06:54

First release: 10.01.2006 09:49

Views: 5881

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
