How to upgrade / download the firmware to a PCD7.D8xx

FAQ #100398

Download the firmware to PCD7.D8xx

  • Power on the terminal keeping pressed the ENTER key until you read on the display the text " wait for boot forced ".
  • If you aren't able to see this text, you can power off/on the terminal quickly, without never release the ENTER key.
  • When the message appears on the screen, you can release the ENTER key and download the right firmware
  • Choose the item " TX  FW / DRIVER ", e.g. SBC. ( it must be the right for the project you need to load in the VT )
  • After the FW downloading, you can download the project


PCD7 / D8xx

Last update: 01.06.2015 09:45

First release: 21.07.2005 08:12

Views: 1188

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
