Is it possible using the DTMF functionality on a PCD which is equipped with a GSM modem?

FAQ #100120

The GSM standard does not support the receiption of DTMF tones by a GSM modem. This means that it isn't possible to send DTMF tones to a PCD which is equipped with a GSM modem.


Can a GSM modem (terminal) receive DTMF tones?
It's not possible to receive DTMF tones with a GSM modem (mounted on a PCD). This is due to the fact that the GSM standard doesn't support the reception of DTMF tones on a GSM modem.


Can I still have a similar functionality when I use a GSM terminal?
If you want to have the DTMF funcionaltiy (set binary/numeric values on the PCD or know the status of binary/numeric values of the PCD) on a PCD equipped with GSM modem then you can take advantage of the SMS service:
You can send a SMS message containing DTMF commands to the PCD (in the same way as you would use the phone keys for the DTMF). The PCD then can respond with a SMS to e.g. the originator of the command (for the acknowledgement of the command).

How can I realize that?
On the PCD you have use the FBox "PollSMS" to receive the SMS and the FBox "DTMF Driver" and "DTMF user xy" to handle the text on the received SMS. For further information please refer to the example available in the "Getting started" area of the support site and to the online help of the relevant FBoxes.



Local FAQ Deutschland / Modem library

Last update: 01.06.2015 03:17

First release: 11.06.2004 08:15

Views: 2301

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