What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51?
FAQ #102010
In April 2022:
the COSinus FW 1.28.51 was introduced into production for the systems:
- PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60 and PCD3.M6880.
In February 2019:
the COSinus FW 1.28.37 was released as maintenance version for the systems:
- PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668.
In June 2017:
the COSinus FW 1.28.16 was introduced into production for the systems:
- PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668.
the BACnet and LonIP FW 1.28.16 was put into production, which do support the BACnet Revision 14.
To support the BACnet Revision 9 it's necessary to use the PCD and the BACnet FW 1.26.xx.
The firmware 1.28.xx or later can be used only on the following PCD's with 8 MB onboard firmware memory:
PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668
The table below does show the hardware dependencies in relation with the COSinus firmware versions
Do use at least the PG5 firmware downloader version 2.1.311 or newer (included in PG5 patch 2.1.311 or newer) to prevent the loading of the FW 1.24.xx, 1.26.xx or newer to a not compatible PCD
Firmware 1.28.51 (April 2022)
Main corrections
- All PCD’s: Saia PCD Modbus diag does not work if diag flag > 9999
- All PCD’s: SNTP and hardware RTC is diverging from more than 2 seconds, then History message ‘RTC Fail error’ is generated
- All PCD’s: SNTP Time synchronization does not work with DHCP
- All PCD’s: E-Mails send from PCD could contain unwanted characters like 0 or others
- All PCD’s: S-Monitoring values for S-Monitoring bar graphs are sometime wrong
- All PCD’s: S-Monitoring Year graph scaling displayed wrongly
- All PCD’s: TCP, open data mode protocol, communication is blocked after rejection of 32 connections
- All PCD’s: LonIP CSF is locked when an error occurs
- PCD2.M45x0: SRXM does not support FB parameters as operand 3 and 4 for source and destination
- PCD1.M2220-C15: Watchdog LED does not follow Relay when PCD goes in STOP or HALT
- PCD3.M6880: Data exchange between CPU 0 and CPU 1 does not work reliable if STL instruction is used
- BACnet: Calendar state not updating after add/remove list element service
- BACnet: Exception schedule writing to certain array index fails
- BACnet: Schedule crashes with SWTO error
- BACnet: MS/TP client properties are not written if many values change simultaneously
- BACnet: Problem reliability & out of service, reliability is not written when oos is high
- BACnet: Web CGI commands to read BACnet platform tags like ..AddFW,Version,BACnet don’t work
- BACnet: Web scheduler/calendar templates do not work
- BACnet: PCD3.M6860 no BACnet communication on ETH2 if router is used
- BACnet: Rev 4 not working with Name based Client
- BACnet: Rev14 does not allow high limit value below 5 on analogue input
Firmware 1.28.37 (February 2019)
New features
- All PCD’s: FW extension to close all open FTP connections
- BACnet: Calendar objects have been extended with a synchronization mode. Each server calendar object can be configured as Slave or Master calendar
- BACnet: New mappings for alarming counters have been added to Notification-Class objects.
- BACnet: The PCD will now accept AcknowledgeAlarm service requests, which use complete wildcards as timestamps.
Main corrections
- All PCD’s: On S-Bus data mode, if S-Bus CRC contains a S-Bus DLE as last character then S-Bus telegram is incorrect and not accepted from S-Bus recipient. (Since FW 1.28.20)
- All PCD’s: Not all bytes are transmitted when working with MC4 or MC5 mode on F2xxx module
- All PCD’s: RS485 driver keep holding bus after a while
- All PCD’s: Http request ‘is modified’ is not handled correctly on the PCD Web-Server which lead to the effect that web project is not loaded correctly on the browser
- All PCD’s: PCD can crash when breakpoint is updated during conditional RUN
- All PCD’s: PCD can crash on download in run since FW 1.28.27.
- All PCD’s: PCD can crash on download in run when Graftec is used
- All PCD’s: PCD crashes when using browser to access the default page of PCD with "Display Root Content Enabled = YES"
- All PCD’s: RCOB does not start COB when it was stopped before with SCOB
- All PCD’s: Profibus communcation using onboard FDL port. The FCS test for SD2 telegram was not implemented correctly.
- All PCD’s: When S-Bus IP Nodelist is used it’s possible that the communication using nodes does no more work after execute a download in run
- All PCD’s: XOB parameter as Registers does not work if 16bit addressing was used
- All PCD’s: LonFT10: SNVT_obj_status and SNVT_obj_request can be used in user profiles
- PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.T6xx, PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60: usage of I/O media mapping slows done the cycle time 2 times in comparison to FW 1.26.xx
- PCD2.M4x60: Download LonIP config not possible
- PCD2.M4x60: RTC gets sometime corrupted data when PCD7.F7500 is used on PCD2.M4x60
- PCD2.M4x60: RTC Time is wrong after several days of run
- PCD7.D443WTxR: uBrowser use alphapad.teq even if screen is rotated by 90°
- PCD7.D443WT5R: History entry Memory ‘Lost -1’ written in the History
- BACnet; Event Enrolment does not work correctly with external reference devices.
- BACnet; When using BACNet Webvisu the memory used increase each time the scheduler is edited.
- BACnet; PCD crash when BACnet Webvisu edit scheduler.
- BACnet; BACnet WebVisu does not display correct value for the WeeklySchedule value.
- BACnet; ACK Required bit in notification message is not set according to the related NV ack_required bits
- BACnet: The PCDAlarmStatus mapping property does not work correctly.
- BACnet: Mappings, which changed to the value 0 directly after a program download, are not updated correctly on the BACnet property.
- BACnet: The Priority-Array mapping does not work correctly after startup.
- BACnet: Initialization of Puls converter count with input reference gives error
- BACnet: Fix issue with weekly scheduler.
- BACnet: Fix issue with WeekNDay entries
- BACnet: The Restore functionality over BACnet does not work, when the PCD has been reset over factory reset.
- BACnet: The Action property in the command object does not handle NULL datatype and priority entries correctly, if they are used in the ActionCommand. Additionally, the Action property can now be read via index.
- BACnet: Priority_Array entry 16 will be overwritten on startup with the last Present_Value mapping
- BACnet: Out of Service -> Value for PV overridden after reboot by Input ref
- BACnet: The Log_Buffer to csv conversion for trend-log objects does not skip time change entries
- BACnet: Unmapped Priority-Array property array entries are not stored persistent
- BACnet: BACnet configuration on the PCD is not deleted when "unlinked" from PG5
- BACnet: Change Client Time_Of_Restart mapping to Unix time
- BACnet: Client mapping - Threshold is not implemented correctly
- BACnet: Mapped Reliability properties within analogue objects does interfere with the objects functionality. When the Reliability is mapped, the mapping has not full control over the property value.
- BACnet: The program download fails, when the BACnet config contained notification-class objects with event-counter mappings
- BACnet: BACnet Trend-Log(-Multiple) data can’t be retrieved as csv data
- BACnet: The SubscribeCOVProperty service can’t be executed on complete Priority_Arrays
Firmware 1.28.16 (June 2017)
New features
- All PCD's: When push button is pressed while power on then do not update FW from FS in order to execute a delete all.
- PCD1.M0xx0/M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 and PCD3.T665/T666/T668:
Enhancement for HTTP server to transparently support sending compressed files.
Main corrections
- All PCD's SBUS parity mode, correction when NAK character is received as first byte of response.
- All PCD's: When download new Ethernet-RIO Program with the option ‘Delete all backups’ it can happen that the RIO is not commission and no goes no more in ‘data exchange mode’ until the PCD reboots.
- All PCD's: When RIO name is not in upper case the RIO file is not updated until a restart is executed.
- All PCD's: When RIO file is downloaded with download changed RIO file then RIO file is not sent to RIO until a restart is executed.
- All PCD's: Ethernet Frame Padding Information Leakage fixed (CVE-2017-9628)
- All PCD's: The Modbus CSF CloseSRPort does not free the port then a open/SASI call give an error and the port does not work.
- PCD1.M2xx0 PCD1.M22x0 PCD2.M4x60: PCD can crash while power down when XOB 0 is programmed.
- PCD1.M2xx0 PCD1.M22x0 PCD2.M4x60: MC0 mode with start/stop flag working again.
- PCD7.D443WT5R: Alarming does not work since 1.28.00 FW.
- PCD7.D443WT5R: When watchdog timeout occurs PCD7.D443WT5R does't reboot and stays locked.
Firmware 1.28.11 (Arpil 2017)
New features
- All PCD's: Support of BACnet Revision 14
Main corrections
- All PCD's: Various Open Data Mode fixes: Read Timeout enhancement, Client Connection timeout and Client Keep alive with anonymous port issue fixed
- All PCD's: Modbus RTU on all ports but specially on the F2xx module has been corrected to handle the response timeout processing in the case that the response is just occurring at the moment of the timeout.
- All PCD's: Battery status shows FAIL also if battery module is missing.
All PCD's: Various minor issues fixed - PCD1.M2xx0 & PCD3+: 38400/115200 baud settings adjustment
- PCD2.M4x60: PCD7.F7500 initialization
PCD1 / _Firmware Classic
PCD2 / _Firmware Classic
PCD3 / Mxxx
PCD3 / _Firmware Classic
PCD1 / M2xx0
PCD2 / M4x60
PCD1 / E-Line
Last update: 18.05.2022 09:52
First release: 29.06.2017 15:56
Views: 26144