Are the LonWorks devices PCD2.F240, PCD3.F2400 and PCD7.R582 still available?

FAQ #102064

No, the LonWorks devices PCD2.F240, PCD3.F2400 and PCD7.R582 are no longer available.

The production of the LonWorks interface devices PCD2.F240, PCD3.F2400 and the LonWorks memory device PCD7.R582 was discontinued at the end of 2021 and the devices are no longer available.

As a replacement, we recommend the usage of BACnet.


PCD2 / Fxxx

PCD7 / Rxxx

Communication / LON (FTT10)

PCD3 / Fxxx

Communication / 02 Organisatorisches

Communication / 01 Aktuelles

Communication / 03 Technische Infos

Communication / PG5 2.1

Communication / S-Web Technologie

Last update: 13.03.2023 12:58

First release: 13.03.2023 12:58

Views: 4

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
