v3.6.0 (31-01-2024) [fix] - Vertical Menu component does not recognise colour strings in Niagara 4.8. * Vertical Menu Widget is crashing when a colour string is used as backgroud/foreground colour's value in the Widget's properties. * Versions affected: 3.5.0 * No migration is required [fix] - Issues with mupltiple Y axes on the line chart. * When "Show Multiple Axis" flag is off, legend toggling is not working properly. * Versions affected: <= 3.5.0 * No migration is required [fix] - History extension throws duplicate history extension post csv import. * The point's history extension cannot reenabled after csv import if before import, it was disabled. * Versions affected: <= 3.5.0 * No migration is required [fix] - PDF Report Save : Remove the Popup to apply the selection. [FOR-2052] * Pop-up window to save report is removed. The pop-up window whilst a page switch remains. * "Load Report" button is renamed to "Discard Changes". * "Last Saved" timestamp is added in the Info card. [fix] - Heatmap chart's unit is defaulting to °C when aggregator does not have units set in facets. [fix] - Relativized Bar chart as Popup does not work in Web browser. [FOR-2476] [fix] - N4Energy manager crashes in presence of 3rd party modules that use React library. [fix] - Aggregator taking account nan (not a number) and infinite numbers. [FOR-2300] [fix] - The currency sign is defaulted to dollar upon downloading a png/pdf. [fix] - Home button does not work. [FOR-1803] [fix] - Data Integrity: Inactive and Offline meter count are not shown on line chart and Pie chart. [fix] - Cost display on Energy Comparator is missing. [FOR-1253] [improvement] - Total value is missing in the Pie chart's tooltip. [improvement] - It should be possible to write to Custom Period's properties "Event" and "Period". [improvement] - More than 50 meters on an Aggregator is needed. [improvement] - Allow y-axis tick to display fractional numbers on line chart. [improvement] - EM Data Quality Alarm after reading the same value 20 times. [FOR-2308] * Offline/Inactive threshold time intervals are added. * These intervals can be defined globally in Data Quality Service or be overwritten locally in individual meters. [feature] - Weather service with outdoor temperature history syncing capabilities. [feature] - Site component that has a weather station from weather service attached to it. [feature] - Anomaly Detection based on Machine Learning models. v3.5.0 (11-04-2023) [fix] - Line chart is not updated correctly for January for weekly and year view [FOR-1951,FOR-1991] [fix] - Offline option in a meter inside an aggregator should return true for history with null reading [FOR-1663] [fix] - Formulas disabled in N4EnergyManager invoice spreadsheet [FOR-1811] [fix] - Chart Data Binding: Ord popup window cannot load [fix] - Stacked Bar chart: aggregators are not shown under meters tab of data-config popup [fix] - Stacked Bar chart: rendering issue when not all bars are toggled on and user selects different time periods [fix] - Tooltips: correct timestamp formats, they should not be shown for future timestamps [fix] - Niagara 4.12 compatibility issues [feature] - Background transparency support for vertical menu and charts [FOR-1914] [feature] - Start/end of meter readings in Excel report for aggregators with a single accumulative meter [FOR-1967] [feature] - Ability to show symbols on top of lines in line charts [FOR-1951] [feature] - Ability for aggregators to be in the root of the station [feature] - Tooltips: colour keys to differentiate values on tooltips [feature] - Threshold colours for dial gauges, arbitrary colours for LED dial and needle gauges [doc] - Meter replacement [doc] - Addition of external database histories [doc] - Csv Import scheduling [doc] - Saving data configuration locally v3.4.6 (20-10-2022) [fix] - Regression chart line missing [fix] - ET Analysis CSV Export not working v3.4.5 (23-08-2022) [fix] - Charts update on the Chart Interval [FOR-1248] [fix] - Table View only shows half data when duplicate series names exist [FOR-1256] [fix] - PDF Reporting (Batch Reporting) is inconsitent in creating PDFs [FOR-1048] [fix] - Regression Chart minimap legend rounding values [feature] - Line chart does not show future values [FOR-1172] [doc] - CSV Reporting Documentation update [FOR-424] [doc] - Degree Day Documentation update [FOR-1377,FOR-1405] v3.4.5 (01-08-2022) [fix] - stackedBarChart: User cannot choose time period under data config popup. [fix] - Inactive meter is not counted for a chart with multiple aggregators [fix] - Default timeRange "Week" does not work for any of the charts [fix] - Menu Builder: Energy Vision is still as text shown [fix] - Menu builder icon and text size settings [fix] - Check and fix line chart PDF Export in Daily or Weekly view [fix] - Tidy up Legend [fix] - DQ calculation bug. DQ data unavailable even though history contains a complete dataset. [fix] - Aggregator output is null when run with local history data plus history data from new Niagara Archive History Provider. [feature] - Pdf Report Builder: User needs to scroll up each time to choose the required changes while designing the Footer [feature] - Needle Gauge does show decimal places [FOR-1254] [feature] - Update CSV Report to allow weekly view [feature] - Add an option to set the table view as default [feature] - Submenu reverting to Top level menu v3.4.4 (11-04-2022) [fix] - Line chart: Pdf or Png instant reports are generated with the time stamp on the axis truncated [fix] - Heatmap 3.4.3: Disable all month will not stored when moving to another year [fix] - Pie chart rendering issues when used in combination with responsive views [fix] - N4EM - Stacked bar chart error. [fix] - Error in Energy manager - Display of PDF Report [fix] - Niagara 4.11: Cannot generate pdf report. [fix] - N4.11: Not all the charts are loading [fix] - NEM3.4.1- Warning about illegal char'?' in menuBuilderIcon.eot [fix] - N4E4Support - Browser PDF save issue [fix] - N4E4Support - N4 Energy Manager - PDF Download [fix] - n4em px page migration - migrated pages does not retain px layering information. [fix] - Issue with N4 chart widget [fix] - Blank charts are generated for downloading PNG and PDF weekly line chart. [fix] - Displaying the Bar chart data table incorrect order in workbench only [fix] - N4EMSupport - bug in stacked bar chart for Energy Manager v3.4.3 (13-01-2022) [fix] - Fixed Pdf reporting in N4.10.1.36 v3.4.1 (30-11-2021) [fix] - Fixed px page migration - migrated pages does not retain px layering information. [fix] - Fixed Niagara 4.4 widget not loading in workbench. v3.4 (22-09-2021) [feature] - White labelling of Energy Manager product, Resellers will have the ability to rebrand screens and product name. [feature] - Report Builders allows to create reports in both landscape and portrait orientations. [feature] - Cost calculation using multi rate tariff modelled modelled using a numeric schedule. [feature] - Calculation of energy for user defined time periods based on schedules. (eg:- Energy consumed in last seven days when the building was unoccupied) [feature] - Automated N4EM Database maintenance. [fix] - Module: n4EnergyManagerReports signature validation Passes. [fix] - Legend selections in all charts are persisted temporarily (until browser page refreshes) - when using `<` `>` navigation. [fix] - PDF Report doesn't create additional empty page on execution of report generator. [fix] - Fixed Incorrect pdf/image names while downloading images/pdfs from the report builder. [fix] - Fixed Delta calculation for aggregators with accumulative meter types. [fix] - Reducing the number of API calls during widget load. [fix] - Fixed Integrity popup weekly view for all the charts. [fix] - Fixed ET chart popup doesn't shows the line for current year. v3.3.1 (15-04-2021) - [fix] - Fixed missing Bar issue during daylight saving in charts by setting bar values to zero. - [fix] - Fixed the issue related to resetting chart preferences in the browser. (invoke "migrate Px Files" Action from n4EnergyManager service to apply fix). - [fix] - Pdf report: Preference set on charts on pdf report are lost after moving to different page or section of the page. - [feature] - multiple Bound Labels can be added to report by selecting Bound Table Widget in the report Builder. v3.3.0 (1-04-2021) - [fix] - localstorage gets cleared when reset button is clicked. v3.3.0 BETA(22-03-2021) - [fix] saving schedules - [fix] saving chart config for old charts - [fix] stack bar charts showing weekly charts. - [feature]- engineer can lock ideal time ranges in the workbench. - [fix] - fixed build versions. v3.2.5 BETA (24-02-2021) - [feature] Weekly chart view - [feature] Time range lock - [feature] User configuration saved - [feature] Core Licence changes v3.2.4 (25-11-2020) - [fix] Stop degreeday aggregator stats updating on the station based on chart time range selection. v3.2.3 (13-11-2020) - [fix] Allow usage of escaped special characters for history name in csv importer. - [added] Excel reports now avaialble in Trial mode v3.2.2 (03-11-2020) - [fix] Degree day calculation errors - [fix] Pdf reports not saving table view perference v3.2.1 (01-09-2020) - [feature] Excel Reporting - [feature] Maintenance Licencing - [feature] Hide Aggregator actions from Audit History - [fix] Handle invalid ORDS in Bar Chart - [fix] Hide vertical overflow on Charts v3.1.10 (07-08-2020) - [fix] Pdf reporting failtures in