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Software Archive Saia PG5® Controls Suite

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.

PCD7 / D7xx

  • Until when are PCD7.D7xx devices repaired? (FAQ #101584)
  • Where from can I get the article 4 507 4815 0? (FAQ #101536)
  • New boot version for PCD7.D761(ET), PCD7.D763(ET), PCD7.D771(ET)! (FAQ #101499)
  • Is PCD8.D81W supported by Windows 7? (FAQ #101459)
  • Is it possible to convert a project from PCD7.D7xx to PCD7.D7xxET display? (FAQ #101434)
  • The special FBox library PCD7_D7 is now available for PG5 2.0. (FAQ #101356)
  • PCD7.D763 displays a black screen or is frozen, it has lost the calibration: use VTWIN 5.22 (link included) (FAQ #101196)
  • Until when can a PCD7.D776 or a PCD7.D776ET be repaired? (FAQ #101158)
  • Bad communication over TCP/IP between PCD7.D7xx displays and PCD controllers! (FAQ #101019)
  • Why are there gaps in trend? (FAQ #100938)
  • How can I recalibrate the touch area from a PCD7.D7xx panel? (FAQ #100868)
  • PCD7.D761 displays a black screen, it has lost the calibration! (FAQ #100823)
  • PCD7.D776 loses contrast settings! (FAQ #100716)
  • URL Jump doesn't work with Microbrowser CE Terminal (FAQ #100617)
  • Why has the VT Win project such a huge size? (FAQ #100543)
  • USB to RS232 converter (FAQ #100512)
  • How can the clock of a PCD7.D7xx be written by the PCD? (FAQ #100487)
  • PCD7.D761 / D763 loses communication on Profi S-Bus! (FAQ #100477)
  • Import of global Saia PG5® symbols into VTWIN (PCD8.D81W)! (FAQ #100421)
  • Profi-S-Bus wiring of PCD7.D7xx (FAQ #100402)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • Why are LED, F-Key and Buzzer variables not supported in Topology Bus Terminals? (FAQ #100361)
  • PCD7.D776 got blocked through programme download! (FAQ #100290)
  • Project download to PCDs with ethernet interface and to PCD7.D7xxET via ISDN router (FAQ #100251)
  • The touch screen of PCD7.D785 /788 / D787(ET) / D786 (ET) / D776 (ET) displays is blocked! (FAQ #100195)
  • PCD7.D7xx terminal works on PGU port of PCD2.M110 but not on PGU port of PCD2.M150! (FAQ #100188)
  • PCD7.D7__ET: not possible to download the programme over Ethernet! (FAQ #100125)
  • PCD7.D7xx terminals as DP Slave (FAQ #100124)
  • Calibration of Touch Screen Terminal lost for PCD7.D78_ (FAQ #100122)
  • PCD7.D7xx Terminal accessing PCD's via a Gateway station (FAQ #100003)
  • No communication between a PCD7.D7xx terminal and one or several PCD's (FAQ #100002)

PG5 2.0 / Profibus FMS

  • Why after a SASI instruction for Profibus FMS communication, the error flag of the PCD is set to high? (FAQ #101218)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • UNIGYR PRU / PCD2 (FAQ #100153)
  • RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)

PG5 2.0 / Profibus DP

  • How to read the diagnostic information of a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #101697)
  • Why does the PCD7.F7500 does not work on the PCD2.M5540? (FAQ #101655)
  • What is the maximum of exchanged data over Profibus DP on a PCD? (FAQ #101642)
  • What is the signification of the I/O words of a PCD2/3.W525 module? (FAQ #101552)
  • Meaning of the LEDs on Profibus DP Master modules and CPUs (FAQ #101271)
  • Does the DP/DP coupler 6ES7 from Siemens work with a PCD system? (FAQ #101253)
  • On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-IO master, what is the signification of the diagnostic flag SLAVE_ERR? (FAQ #101173)
  • How to configure the Saia PCD® as DP Master, if the Slave is a Siemens CP 342-5? (FAQ #101124)
  • DP/Belimo gateway display error message after program download to the PCD (FAQ #100976)
  • On the Profibus-DP or Profi-S-I/O master it isn't possible to read or write registers with address > 4095 from the slave (FAQ #100927)
  • Too strong limitation imposed by S-Net Configurator (FAQ #100717)
  • Why is the communication between a SBC Master and a Siemens Slave not working (FAQ #100651)
  • change baudrate with SNet configurator (FAQ #100514)
  • Are the modules PCD3.W800, PCD3.A810 and PCD3.A860 supported by the PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100504)
  • Negative values from PCD3.T760 are not interpreted correctly on the PCD (FAQ #100466)
  • Can I use the same GSD File for PCD2.M170 as for PCD4.M170 (FAQ #100412)
  • What connector and cable typ should be used? (FAQ #100369)
  • Supported baudrates and protocols on a PCD2.M480 (FAQ #100355)
  • Incompatibility of old FW and new Profibus DP configurator (FAQ #100319)
  • What Profibus Analyzer should be bought? (FAQ #100298)
  • Error PCD7.F750 " no Diagnostic refresh" (FAQ #100271)
  • How to configure a PCD3.W745 on a PCD3.T760? (FAQ #100214)
  • How to wire a Profibus DP network correctly to a PCD? (FAQ #100164)
  • It's possible to add new groups in to the PG5 Profibus-DP configurator device list? (FAQ #100159)
  • It's possible to use my old GSD data's in new PG5 projects? (FAQ #100157)
  • RS-485 wiring information (FAQ #100152)

S-Web Technology / ADSL

  • Why are the horizontal and vertical lines in web pages created with PG5 2.3.175 and displayed in HTML5 Runtime or TEQ Runtime not displayed horizontally/vertically, but 'skewed' with an offset of one pixel? (FAQ #102055)
  • How to set up DynDNS on a router? (FAQ #101197)
  • How to know the IP Address of a device addressed with an URL? (FAQ #101064)
  • How to connect a PCD behind an (A)DSL router? (FAQ #101007)
  • How I have to configure my ADSL router? (FAQ #100454)
  • How can I know the TCP/IP address of a public e-mail server? (FAQ #100453)
  • Experiences with ADSL Routers (FAQ #100203)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
