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Saia PCD® Classic programming references

In order to minimize the effort to be done by new users having a different background, there are listed chapters of several manuals as references for the concerned user. the PG5 manual will be automatically installed together with the PG5 Controls Suite demo version which is available for download here.

References for a technician without programming knowledge

The chapters of the documents below will introduce the reader into the main handling and programming of a Saia PCD® Classic. This introduction will allow a technician to realize an easy application.

  • Hardware overview

    Installation of hardware

    Connecting a PCD to a PC and configuring the hardware

    Programming the first application

  • Refer to the PCD TI or Interface IO TI page

    Refer to the product page of the concerning PCD type

    PG5 Manual chapter 1 (General Introduction)

    PG5 Manual chapter 4 (Fupla programming)

References for a PLC programmer

For a PLC programmer that is used programming a PLC of an other manufacturer, it is important to figure out what the differences between the programming philosophy and hardware of the different PLC's are. Therefore it is recommended to refer to the list of sources where the main differences are described.


  • Connecting a PCD to a PC and configuring the hardware

    Process image of a Saia® Classic PCD

    Overview over PCD resources

    Programming philosophies

  • PG5 Manual chapter 1 (General Introduction)

    PG5 Manual chapter 5.2

    PG5 Manual chapter 3 (PCD resources)

    PG5 Manual chapter 5 and 6 (program structures)

References for a programmer of higher programming languages (such as C)

Aside of the hardware of the Saia PCD® Classic the most important characteristic of a PLC is the programming language and structure. Therefore it is recommended for programmers used to higher programming languages being aware of those differences in order to profit most of the different philosophy. To get this overview as fast as possible the following chapters of the concerned manuals are recommended:

  • Programming philosophies

    Process image of Saia PCD®

    Overview over PCD resources

    Connecting a PCD to a PC and configuring the hardware

    Programming in Instruction List (IL)

    Basic Commands / ACCU (IL, Instruction List)

  • PG5 Manual chapter 5 and 6 (program structures)

    PG5 Manual chapter 5.2

    PG5 Manual chapter 3 (PCD resources)

    PG5 Manual chapter 1 (General Introduction)

    PG5 Manual chapter 7 (Programming in IL)

    PG5 Manual chapter 7.4 (Basic Commands)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
