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Overview networking possibilities

The aim of this page is to give an overview, for the details there are links to the relevant product pages. The links to third party suppliers are for your information, there might be other suppliers in your area.


  • SBC Networks

    Siemens® Networks

    Building Control Networks



  • S-Bus, S-Bus on Ethernet TCP/IP

    DK3964R, MPI, RK512

    BACnet, EIB, GENIbus, LON, MP Bus, M-Bus

    AS-i, Modbus, Modbus/TCP/UDP, Profibus

    Modem, ESPA 4.4.4


  • General

    Our solution



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Sensor actuator bus for industrial applications

    A profibus master card PCD7.F750 and a Profibus/AS-i Gateway is required, please refer to www.bihl-wiedemann.de or www.ifm-electronic.de (for instance AC1005) for the Gateway. A Siemens Gateway was found to invert the order of the exchanged data, so we don't recommend to use their Gateways together with our products

    PCD7.F750 together with the above mentioned Gateway

    PCD7.F750 together with the above mentioned Gateway

    None known


  • General

    Our solution

    Products: Classic/PG5




  • Building Automation and Control Network

    PCD1.M2, PCD2.M5 and PCD3 with BACnet server. Description of the PCD with BACnet: PICS

    The PCD3.R56x or the PCD7.R56x flash modules do contain the firmware extension for the BACnet server on a PCD CPU.

    The PCD BACnet server supports BACnet/IP and BACnet PTP.

    None known



  • General


    Our solution





    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • EIB is an event driven bus running at 9600 baud for building control applications. There is only one configuration tool available which is provided by Siemens, all EIB components must be approved before they are sold

    Classic CPU's can be part of an EIB network by means of an FBox library and a RS 232 to EIB converter (ABB or similar). The function of the PCD can be programmed, it is possible to listen the bus and to control actuators. To get the actual state of network participants, the PCD can poll them at startup. Quite often PCD's are used as a gateway between the EIB network and supervisory systems. All Classic PCD's with a full RS 232 port can be used together with EIB.

    EIB Library PCD9.Cxxx

    Not available

    As EIB is a slow bus, only about 200 to 300 points can be handled by a PCD. A full RS 232 port is used for the link to the converter.

ESPA 4.4.4

  • General

    Our solution

    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • ESPA 4.4.4 is a standard protocol adopted by the European Selective Paging Manufacturers Associacion

    A system partner offers a solution for Classic, refer to www.engiby.ch for more details

    See above

    Not avialable

    None known

Ethernet TCP/IP

  • General

    Our solution





    Products: Classic/PG5


    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Well known technology coming from the IT business, fast growing into the building and industrial control markets

    A communication interface can be mounted on specific CPU's of all CPU families. The module can handle 10 and 100Mhz networks and an event driven master-master communication is possible between PCD's. For the communication with third party products the open data mode is supported.
    A system partner offers a multimaster driver for applicom cards, an Excel configurator is available as well, please refer to www.engiby.ch for more details

    Ethernet TCP/IP module PCD7.F650, PCD1.M130F650, PCD2.M150F650, PCD2.M170, PCD4.M170Fx9, PCD6 with Ethernet on request (one Ethernet TCP/IP interface per System)

    Coming soon

    PCD's must have a fixed IP address and cannot be accessed by name


  • General


    Our solution


    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Grundfos bus for pumps (UPE- and TPE series), exchange of pump data, alarms, status information and setpoints via RS 485

    System partners provide solutions for Classic, refer to www.engiby.ch  and www.ludwig-systemelektronik.de for more details

    See above

    Not available

    None known


  • General


    Our solution



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Very open, event driven network available in different topologies. A binding tool (available from several manufacturers) is required to link the intelligent participants of the network

    A communication interface can be mounted on most CPU's of all families to create a LON node. The LON interface of the node can be configured and adapted to the application. Our modules are designed for free topology (FTT-10)

    LON module PCD7.F80x, PCD1.M120/M130, PCD2.M120, PCD2.M150, PCD2.M170, PCD4.M170

    LON module PCD7.F80x, PCD1.M137, PCD2.M127, PCD2.M157, PCD2.M177

    Memory extensions with EPROM or FLASH-EPROM cannot be used, only RAM (PCD7.R400 flash backup is OK)


  • General

    Our solution



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Protocol to read values of counters and other measurement equipment

    System partners provide solutions, refer to www.engiby.ch (Classic/PG5) and www.ludwig-systemelektronik.de (Classic/PG5 and xx7/Step7) for more details. Besides a library an M-Bus converter is required, please refer to www.relay.de for instance.

    See above

    See above

    There are a lot of different M-Bus components availabe, the system partners may have to do some extension to their libraries to communicate with new/unknown units.


  • General


    Our solution






    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • The Modbus Protocol is a messaging structure developed by Modicon in 1979, used to establish master-slave/client-server communication between intelligent devices

    Modbus is supported by the Firmware of PCD2.M5xx0 and PCD3.Mxxx0 CPUs, FBoxes are available.

    System partners provide solutions as well:
    Classic: refer to www.engiby.ch or www.ludwig-systemelektronik.de for more information.
    xx7: refer to Holger Bischoff, Frommelstrasse 64, 76327 Pfinztal, Germany. Homepage: http://holgerbischoff.onlinehome.de/html/modbus.html. For more information please contact holgerbischoff@onlinehome.de.

    See above

    See above

    None known


  • General

    Our solution



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • This is a variant of the Modbus protocol on Ethernet

    Modbus is supported by the Firmware of PCD2.M5xx0 and PCD3.Mxxx0 CPUs, FBoxes are available.

    A System partner provides a solutions as well:
    Slave channel on a PCD with PCD7.F65x. Refer to www.engiby.ch for more information.

    See above

    Not available

    None known


  • General

    Our solution



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Analog, ISDN and GSM Modems are often used for telemaintenance and services like SMS and Pager

    Internal modems for PCD1 and PCD2, external modems for all series in preparation. Powerful libraries are available to simplify the use of modems. For leased lines the modems of www.westermo.com have prooved to be a rugged solution.

    Internal modems PCD2.T8xx, modem library PCD9.Mxxx

    Internal modems PCD2.T8xx, modem library, Eurogard Modems can be used for telemaintenance (analog)

    As the PCD has to initialize the modem it is not a good idea to choose an unknown modem type. Finding the right initialization strings for a new modem requires a profound modem knowledge and a lot of time.

MP Bus (Belimo)

  • General


    Our solution

    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • This Belimo invention allows to connect motorvalves and sensors to a bus and simplify the cable work significantly for HeaVAC applications

    Interface modules for 8 or 16 actuators

    Modules PCD2.T500 and PCD7.F180, the FBox libraries are part of the PG5 software

    Not available

    At least one RS 232 port is required per PCD2.T500 module, even though the module is placed instead of an I/O card. The PCD7.F180 obviously occupies a port as well


  • General


    Our solution

    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • Siemens® RS 485 Multimaster bus used for programming, debugging, data exchange between participants, HMI and scada systems. Running at 187kBaud

    All xx7 CPU's have got an MPI port as standard

    For the moment only available on the PCD2.M480 for the use with HMI's and scada systems

    All CPU's, PCD1.M137, PCD2.M127, PCD2.M157, PCD2.M177, intelligent terminals PCD7.D7xx

    According to the specification only for distances up to 50 meters

Profibus FMS/DP/PA

  • General




    Our solution

    Products: Classic/PG5


    Products: xx7/Step7



  • Profibus DP is a well known standard as mulitmaster fieldbus in industrial applications with high baudrates. The concept allows the use of a mixture of participants from different manufacturers in the same bus. Profibus FMS is limited to 500kBaud and rather complicated to use, it is more and more replaced by Profibus DP, even though it is more flexible.

    Master and slave interface modules for distinct CPU's of all families, modular and compact remote I/O's

    DP Master module PCD7.F750, DP slave module PCD7.F77x, DP remote I/O's PCD0.xxxx, FMS module PCD7.F700 

    DP Master module PCD7.F750, DP slave module PCD7.F77x, DP remote I/O's PCD0.xxxx, FMS module PCD7.F700

    Master-master communication is only available for the xx7 family. To access Profibus PA (Process Automation) participants, a DP/PA converter is needed to adapt the speed and protocol

RK512 / RK512MP

  • General


    Our solution

    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • RS 485 single master network with variable baudrate, RK512 only point to point, RK512MP with one master and several slaves.

    Integrated in the firmware of the xx7 family

    A system partner provides a solution, refer to www.ludwig-systemelektronik.de for more information

    All CPU's, PCD1.M137, PCD2.M127, PCD2.M157, PCD2.M177

    Not available on the classic CPU's


  • General


    Our solution



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7


  • House-bus of Saia Burgess, cheap and reliable. Single master network, usually on RS 485 with several slaves, on RS 232 and RS 422 point-to-point only. CPU's can be configured as gateway, so they can link several networks

    Standard on all Classic CPU's. Details about how to plan S-Bus networks can be found in the documentation area. A system partner provides a tool that allows to optmize the S-Bus communication by setting priorities for different telegrams in form of an Excel sheet. Please refer to www.engiby.ch for more details

    All CPU's, remote I/O's PCD1.T240, PCD7.Lxxx, intelligent terminals PCD7.D7xx

    Not available

    Single master only

STEP®, Simatic®, Siemens®, S7-300®, S7-400® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
