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Overview counting, measuring and motion control with PCD's

The aim of this page is to give an overview about the motion control applications with our PLC's, for the details there are links to the relevant product pages.

Tables in order of the complexity:

Fast counting, position detection

  • General



    Products: Classic/PG5




    Products: xx7/Step7

  • Due to the input filter of digital input cards and the cycle time of the user program, it is not possible to count fast with standard inputs. To fill this gap we offer interrupt inputs and dedicated I/O modules. For OEM applications we can offer attractive customized solutions.

    Interrupt inputs on PCD2.M120, PCD2.M150, PCD2.M170, PCD4.M170 (1kHz unidirectional max.)

    Counter modules PCD2.H100 (simple, 20kHz max.), PCD2.H110 (versatile, 100kHz max.), PCD4.H120 (versatile, 166kHz max.)

    SSI module PCD2.H150

    Interrupt inputs on PCD2.M157, PCD2.M177 (5kHz bidirectional or unidirectional max.)

    Counter modules PCD2.H100 (simple, 20kHz max.), PCD2.H110 (versatile, 100kHz max.)

    SSI module PCD2.H150

Simple position / speed control

  • General


    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step 7


  • When the control speed and precision is not important, counter modules can be combined with standard analogue outputs to control the drive to get a cheap solution. The regulation is done by the user program

    Counting modules as mentioned in the upper table, standard analogue outputs

    Counting modules as mentioned in the upper table, standard analogue outputs

    Due to the cycle time of the user program, the control loop is rather slow 

Single or multiple axis position / speed control without synchronisation

  • General


    Products: Classic/PG5


    Products: xx7/Step7

  • To control stepper motors or servo drives dedicated I/O modules are available. The regulation is done in the modules, the user program is used to configure and control the module by means of function blocks

    Stepper motor module PCD2.H210, PCD4.H2x0, PCD4.H225 servo drive module PCD2.H31x, PCD2.H32x, PCD4.H3xx

    Stepper motor module PCD2.H210, servo drive module PCD2.H31x, PCD2.H32x

Multiple axis control with interpolation/gearing

  • General



    Products: Classic/PG5

    Products: xx7/Step7

  • To get a smooth interpolation or gearing, powerful and versatile modules with fast control loops are required. The regulation is done in the modules, the user program is used to configure and control the module by means of function blocks

    PCD2.H32x, PCD4.H4xx


Serial communication with drives

  • General



    Products: Classic/PG5



  • Instead of using dedicated I/O modules it is possible to use intelligent drives and control them via a serial link. As every drive has another interface, a user program has to be created to allow the PCD to communicate with the drive

    All necessary instructions are available to the programmer, profound instruction list knowledge is required to create a driver

    All necessary instructions are available to the programmer, profound instruction list knowledge is required to create a driver. Step7 examples are available on request

Libraries for motion modules

  • General

    Products: Classic/PG5


    Products: xx7/Step7

  • For working with motion modules dedicated libraries are available.

    The libraries for programming motion modules are part of the PG5 controls suite and installed automatically together with PG5.

    FC/FBs for programming motion modules on xx7 systems are available on request for OEM appliations only. Please contact the support team for further information.

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
