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  • Saia PCD1 E-Line system overview

    The Saia PCD1 E-Line series was specifically developed for installation in electrical sub-distributors.
    The compact design enables automation in confined spaces.
    The two-wire bus connection between individual modules enables both centralised and decentralised automation over a distance of up to 1000 m.
    The modules are designed and produced in accordance with IEC 61131-2 to industrial quality.
    The extensive programmability and integration of Web+IT technologies enables effective automation over the entire service life of plants and properties.

  • Controller

    The Saia PCD® controller functions as a master for the attached modules. Here it can undertake more complex controls and form the interface to the control level.
    The integrated automation server and the Web+IT functions can be directly used here to visualise the control via a web panel or browser.
    Saia PCD® is the ideal interface for other plants thanks to the support of numerous protocols such as BACnet, LON, Modbus, etc.

  • Programmable I/O modules

    The programmable I/O modules of the Saia PCD1 E-Line series with Saia PG5® enable the autonomousand safe operation of the modules even if communication to the master station is interrupted.
    The local function of a room, for example, is therefore guaranteed at any time.
    The modules are programmed with Saia PG5® via the master controller or directly via USB.

  • RIO I/O modules

    The PCD1 E-Line RIO I/O modules enable centralised automation in the control cabinet and the decentralised distribution of the components through the bus connection.
    They can be commissioned quickly using the implemented override operation.


    In the E-Line RIO I/O family there are two different housings types for the RIOs.
    To have a differentiator of the two hosing types, the two hosing types where named ‘Series’

    The L-Series (L for large) and the S-Series (S for small).
    The ‘L’ and ‘S’ does make reference to the maximum number of inputs/outputs on the device, but not on the surface used on the cabinet, since both series does have the same housing width and height.


    • The L-Series does have at maximum 36 I/O’s per device
    • The S-Series does have at maximum 20 I/O’s per device.





  • Communication modules and gateways

    Modules from different manufacturers are integrated into the system via communication modules.
    The RS-485 radio gateway allows modules to be connected wirelessly.

  • Power Quality Analyser (PQA)

    Complete overview of the mains power supply.
    The power quality analyser fully monitor the quality of the mains power supply.
    The wide range of measuring options – including voltage, current, phase shift and harmonics – lets you analyse all kinds of disturbances with cyclical or event-based data recording. The system also issues an automatic
    notification should one of the measured values lie outside the parameterised limits.

PCD1 / E-Line

  • How to copy csv-Files and Webeditorproject files which are stored on the Intflash of a PCD, if you are replacing an internal micro-SD memory card which is used on the circuit board of the PCD? (FAQ #102069)
  • What is stored on the micro-SD memory card which is used on the circuit board of the PCD? (FAQ #102068)
  • New firmware 1.08.16 for PCD1 E-Line Rio's (FAQ #102061)
  • Is it possible to know the firmware version of the Top Print of the PCD1 E-Line RIOs? (FAQ #102059)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102058)
  • Why the RS-485 S-Bus communication between the PCD master and the slave does fail sometime, if FW 1.28.20…1.28.33 is used? (FAQ #102026)
  • What are the differences between the COSinus firmwares FW 1.28.11 and FW 1.28.51? (FAQ #102010)
  • PG5 2.1 and 2.2 with E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time? (FAQ #102009)
  • PG5 2.1 and PG5 2.2 with S-Bus communication library 2.7.370, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time or after the download of the program? (FAQ #102008)
  • No Refresh from State of I/O's from E-Line Rio- Moduls after Fbox Update (FAQ #102001)
  • What is the meaning of E-Line RIO – Leds & status specifications (FAQ #101998)
  • What are the differences between E-Line firmwares FW 1.04.07 and 1.08.06? (FAQ #101990)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
