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Product Index Micro Browser App for Windows

  • SBC Micro Browser App for Windows by Saia-Burgess Controls AG

    The SBC Micro Browser App is a small browser application which runs on windows based operating systems. It allows to operate web based applications created with the Saia PG5® Web Editor5/Web Editor8 and stored on a Saia PCD® Device. The web-/IT interfaces are integrated in the basic system of all Saia PCD® controllers The integrated station list makes it easy to navigate fast between different web servers, or allows to create user specific access on one overview page to different parts in an application, system or device. The Micro Browser App includes the following features.

    •Visualization of web applications created with the Saia PG5® Web Editor5/Web Editor8.
    •Print of the current visible window content
    •Screen Capture of the current visible window content
    •Different scaling modes “Auto resize”, “Best fit” and “Fixed size”
    •Support of web based Alarming and Trending functionality's.
    •The visualization application is fully stored on the remote server.

Micro Browser App for Windows

Micro Browser App for Windows

Software Micro Browser App for Win Micro Browser App for Windows

V147.5 .zip 0.67 MB Download

Installation and licensing

The installation and licensing is very simple and can be done by the user independently.
The app can be used without licensing in a demo-mode (after 15 minutes, the app automatically terminates).

Procedure for installation and registration:

1.    Download the app from the support page, copy it to the Windows PC and launch SBC_MicroBrowser.exe
2.    Click the link for registration and perform registration on licensing server:
3.    Confirm licensing in received email
4.    Enter received license code and the MB app is ready to use

The license code is based on the hardware. That when the PC is changed, the MB-app must be licensed again by the method described above.

Compatibility Java and Micro-Browser App

The Micro-Browser app behaves like the MB apps for Android and iOS and supports the same functionality. It may be used for the display and operation of PCD Web applications, which have been created with the SBC Web Editor.
Minor differences between the browser using Java (IMaster.jar) and Micro-Browser regarding presentation of web pages and individual objects can not be excluded.
The "look and feel" between the Micro-Browser panels PCD7.D4xx and the MB app are the same.

The Micro-Browser app can be started with command line arguments to a URL (SBC_MicroBrowser.exe http :// By this a call from other applications is possible. In addition, also third party applications (via internal container) can be started from the MB app. If a URL Jump is made to a page which does not contain PCD Web-application (e.g. PDF document), a default browser with the corresponding URL is called.

Technical data

The Micro-Browser app runs on a Windows PC (Windows W7, W8, W8.1 …) with x86 CPU 32-bit or 64-bit.
At least 100MB free memory space is required.

Version history

Version 147.5

- Fix with MBox.teq and scale factor, on saving Alarm/Trend files
- Fix rendering issues of transparent GIF images
- Fix issues with some GIF images not detected as transparent
- Fix scaling issues with transparent GIF images placed over other painters
- Support new argument -i number, to keep the position of the window, depending on the MicroBrowser
  instance number (Stored in the registry under the name WP, WP1, WP2, WP3)
- Support new feature to write directly the key hit on keyboard, directly in the Keypad/Alphapad TEQ files
  (if sip is null)
- Support new container variable "MB_Keyboard_FKeyEvents" to enable/disable the new feature
- Support new parameter in xml file "keypad_direct_edit" to enable/disable the new feature


Version 146.4

- Support of https
- Don't wait more than 2 seconds to close the app
- Save last status bar and tool bar visible states in the registry
- Supports both xml file format with <station> ... </station> and <url> ... </url>
- Show the right version number in http header (User-Agent: SBC_MicroBrowser/V.
- Show OEM customer name in log-file and in About dialog
- Improves performance with fast access on Ramdisk
- Change default value mfc_http_en = 3 for both CGI and files
- Fix crash issue when using extremly long file names (CSV) in html parameters
- Supports at least 10'000 objects for MicroBrowser-XP and 5'000 for CE
- Supports multiple occurrences of PPO variables in HTML tag, like "@PPO_var1@ @PPO_var2@",  even if ppo
  variables are not referenced in the view.
- Fix buffer overflow issue in loading TEQ file while parsing multiple @PPO_name@ in HTML tags
- Improves Drop-Down-List with the support of drag events for the selection of the item and to scroll the list.
- Don't show the Warning Button if Message Box is disabled, with empty "MessageBox" parameter in html file.
- Supports translation of error messages like "Invalid entry!" or "Value out of range!"
- Show right version for Windows 10 and show platform (x86) in log file and in CO "MB_OS_NAME"
- Supports negative values for coordinator in TEQ file
- Save configuration file if old version found.

Version 145.1
- Supports until 400 stations
- Fix issues global TCR formatting and min/max check, with resolved PCD variable name, with indexed variables (@CO)
- Supports entering time value like "0:59" or ":59" instead of "00:59"
- Supports entering date value like "1:12:16" instead of "01:12:16"
- Fix issue with FKEY released lost, if any other key is pressed in the meantime.
- Fix issue with horizontal slider using integer values
- Encode 0x7F char in URL
- Increase the max number of container variables from 10000 to 50000.
- Bug fix in Alarming 2, with colors depending on group greater than 8.
- Increase the number of columns from 20 to 40 for the FileViewer painter
- Supports TCR file in utf-8
- Bug fix in alarming macro with alarm texts defined in CSV file
- Display password PCD Variable/CO with "****", in button and drop-down-list painters.
Version 138.2:
- PCD Symbols containing offsets doesn’t work
- FileViewer doesn’t work
- Trouble when SBC MB App is used on PC’s with two screens
Version 137.2:
First version

S-Web Technology / ADSL

  • Why are the horizontal and vertical lines in web pages created with PG5 2.3.175 and displayed in HTML5 Runtime or TEQ Runtime not displayed horizontally/vertically, but 'skewed' with an offset of one pixel? (FAQ #102055)
  • How to set up DynDNS on a router? (FAQ #101197)
  • How to know the IP Address of a device addressed with an URL? (FAQ #101064)
  • How to connect a PCD behind an (A)DSL router? (FAQ #101007)
  • How I have to configure my ADSL router? (FAQ #100454)
  • How can I know the TCP/IP address of a public e-mail server? (FAQ #100453)
  • Experiences with ADSL Routers (FAQ #100203)

S-Web Technology / Android- and iPhone Apps

  • Why are the horizontal and vertical lines in web pages created with PG5 2.3.175 and displayed in HTML5 Runtime or TEQ Runtime not displayed horizontally/vertically, but 'skewed' with an offset of one pixel? (FAQ #102055)
  • On PG5 2.3.192 projects, why the Web-Editor login macro does not work well if the web page is displayed on SBC Microbrowser Web-Panels or Windows Microbrowser App? (FAQ #102053)
  • Why does suddenly the Microbrowser-App on my iOS Apple device or Android device not work anymore, error message ‘unable to Verify App’ is shown on the device? (FAQ #102023)
  • Why after a update of the Microbrowser Android app to the version 2.0.0_4 the error message 'file not found' is shown? (FAQ #101918)
  • Is it possible to increase the Heap size for the SBC Micro Browser App for Android smartphones/tablet? (FAQ #101851)
  • Is there an Android application to display S-Web editor projects on Android devices? (FAQ #101794)
  • Why can't I see the content of the PCD WebServer on my Android- or iPhone App? (FAQ #101777)

Software (except PG5) / MicroBrowser App for Windows

  • It's possible to connect SBC PCD's directly to the internet? (FAQ #102060)
  • How I can start directly a web project from the Micro Browser App for Windows? (FAQ #101969)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
