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  • PCD7.D23x

  • Industrial text display



Manual 26-795 PCD7.D23x

DE10 .pdf 3.39 MB Download
EN10 .pdf 3.20 MB Download
FR10 .pdf 3.34 MB Download
IT10 .pdf 3.86 MB Download

HMI-Editor and PLC-based terminals

Technical Info PP26-430 HMI-Editor and PLC-based terminals



DE05 .pdf 1.73 MB Download
EN05 .pdf 1.72 MB Download
FR05 .pdf 1.72 MB Download
IT05 .pdf 1.72 MB Download
SV01 Archive .pdf 3.49 MB Download

User's guide for D23x with extended character set Rev. 5

Flyer User's guide for D23x with extended character set Rev. 5

EN Archive .pdf 0.36 MB Download


Executables for changing the Windows® ANSI code page (V1.0, see user's guide for D23x)

Software Executables for changing the Windows® ANSI code page (V1.0, see user's guide for D23x)

EN .zip 0.08 MB Download

PCD7 / D23x

  • Why is the character 'ü' wrongly displayed on a PCD7.D23x panel? (FAQ #101807)
  • Does the display of a PCS1.Cxxx or a PCD7.D23x support Cyrillic? (FAQ #101730)
  • Why can't I edit the passwort on my PCD7.D230? (FAQ #101701)
  • Warum kann ich bei einem D230 das Passwort nicht eingeben? (FAQ #101700)
  • How can an alarm be displayed on a RS485 network (bus terminal topology)? (FAQ #101544)
  • Why is there still 1 alarm in Buffer after the flag S.HMI.ALACLEAR has been activated? (FAQ #101439)
  • Why are the "A" and "E" smaller with firmware version 040 and higher? (FAQ #101043)
  • Incompatibility between pilot versions of PCD7.D23x and PG5 1.4.200 (FAQ #100832)
  • Why does my PCD7.D23x jump back to the root menu while I'm working on it? (FAQ #100829)
  • How can I acknowledge HMI alarms over the user program? (FAQ #100819)
  • PCD7.D23x on PCS1 port 2 doesn't work properly! (FAQ #100755)
  • The PCD7.D23x displays nothing when icons are used in HMI Editor Lib 1.4 210! (FAQ #100734)
  • Bus topology with PCD7.D23x need an added delay with some PCD3.Mxxxx FW!! (FAQ #100685)
  • Why is it not possible to deactivate the login page on RS 485 mode (FAQ #100539)
  • Enter Password in a D230 in RS 485 (FAQ #100472)
  • Why does the backlight of a PCD7.D23x not work correctly in BUS Mode? (FAQ #100408)
  • If the cycle time is very long the D23x-terminal is not able to execute the program properly. (FAQ #100372)
  • How to display more than 5 digits using HMI Editor! (FAQ #100368)
  • Why are LED, F-Key and Buzzer variables not supported in Topology Bus Terminals? (FAQ #100361)
  • HMI Editor and PCD3.M_ or PCD2.M480: Wrong characters are display instead of value with Format #####! (FAQ #100360)
  • PCD7.D230 with hardware version C or D is hard or impossible to operate (FAQ #100283)
  • Not possible to set again the date 00.00 in HVC Clck_x Fbox once it has been changed (FAQ #100024)
  • Long time to show the display content properly (FAQ #100017)
  • Cursor of PCD7.D23x is shown as "ü" (FAQ #100015)

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
