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No Refresh from State of I/O's from E-Line Rio- Moduls after Fbox Update

FAQ #102001

Fbox Update of the E-Line Library causes Problem with I/O refresh in Fupla


PG5 2.2.140 with E-Line Fbox Library V2.1.100.
After the automatical Fbox Update in the Fupla Editor, the Projekt will be Rebuilded and downloaded into the PCD
without Errors.
Checking the Funktions Online, there is no Refresh for the States of Inputs and
Funktion for the Outputs visible.
An Kommunikation Error is not indicated.



An Error in the PG5 2.2.140 does not perform a clean update



Is described in FAQ 101994

In PG5 2.2.200 the Error is also fixed (coming soon)



PG5 2.2


PG5 2.2 / Fupla

PCD1 / E-Line

Last update: 06.12.2016 09:09

First release: 02.12.2016 14:17

Views: 7

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