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Y a-t-il une liste et une description des variables prédéfinies conteneur utilisé sur un Windows CE Micro-Browser ?

FAQ #101002

Avec ces variables de conteneur, vous pouvez contrôler le comportement de la Micro-Browser, obtenir le panneau informations, de lancement et de contrôle des applications spécifiques qui s'exécuter en parallèle à la Micro-Browser, contrôlent les caractéristiques matérielles (par exemple audio, écran LCD rétro-éclairage) et écrivent des données locales sur le panneau.


Veuillez prendre note qu'en particulier le matériel associés paramètres dépendent de la plate-forme matérielle spécifique et ne sont pas toujours disponibles ; le processeur XSCALE (PCD7.D5xxxTXxxx) ne supporte pas audio.


See below mentioned a list of container variables for the Windows CE Micro-Browser:

"MB_VERSION"shows version of the xml configuration file
"MB_APP_VERSION"shows version of the MicroBrowser
"MB_OS_VERSION"shows version of the OS
"MB_PLATFORM"shows the platform name, is one of the following "uBT", "uBCE", "uBXP", ...
"MB_SCREEN_WIDTH"shows the width of the screen
"MB_SCREEN_HEIGHT"shows the height of the screen
"MB_IpAddress"shows the IP address of the panel
"MB_Subnet"shows the subnet mask of the panel
"MB_Gateway"shows the gateway address of the panel
"MB_Volume"this container is used to get and set the volume in percent
"AUTOINCRCO"this container is incremented on every period
"MB_InactivityCounter"this container counts up every second. It is reset to 0 on any mouse or key actions of the user
"MB_StartProcess"this container is used to write the name of the application to start
"MB_ExeToTop"this container is used to write the name of the program to bring on the top
"MB_BringWindowToTop"this container is used to write the name of the window, or a part of it, to bring the application on the top. writing "_self" will bring the MicroBrowser on top
"MB_WakeUp"write 1 to wake up the computer and to stop the screen saver
"MB_Backlight"write 0 or 1 to turn off/on the display or the LCD backlight
"MSGBOX_NR"show the number of messages appended in the message box
"MessageBoxCO"show the text in message box
"MB_UpdateAfterPpoWrite"write "0" or "1" to improve the reaction time after writing on any PPO
"MB_UpdateAfterCoWrite"write "0" or "1" to improve the reaction time after writing on any CO
"@MODAL_FOREGROUND"write "0" or "1" to disable or enable the modal foreground teq
"@LANGUAGE"to write the name of the new CSV file to load
"@MB_FKEY_EVENT"show the last function key proceed
"@MB_FULL_REDRAW"write "0" or "1" to disable or enable the full redraw mode
"_KEYPAD"used by the keypad teq to edit the value
"_KEYPAD_DEST_NAME"used by the keypad teq to save the name of the destination to write
"_KEYPAD_DEST_TYPE"used by the keypad teq to save the type of the destination to write
"_KEYPAD_SHIFT"used by the keypad teq as caps-lock
"_KEYPAD_OPEN"used by the keypad teq to open a new keypad
"_KEYPADCLOSE"used by the keypad teq to close the keypad, or to switch between alpha-pad and numeric-pad
"_KEYEVENT"by the keypad teq to append new characters used
"_KEYPAD_TF_FOCUS"used by the keypad teq to select the editable text field after closing the keypad
"MB_PERCO_0"Persistent container  0 stored in "uBrowsCo.xml"
"MB_PERCO_1"Persistent container  1 stored in "uBrowsCo.xml"
"MB_PERCO_2"Persistent container  2 stored in "uBrowsCo.xml"
"MB_PERCO_19"Persistent container 19 stored in "uBrowsCo.xml"



Web Editor5

PCD7 / D5xxx (Windows CE)

Last update: 01.06.2015 02:34

First release: 15.08.2008 13:17

Views: 3620

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
