Monday, 03. July 2017 15:43 Age: 7 yrs

COSinus maintenance Firmware 1.26.31 with BACnet Rev.9 support for PCD1.M2220-C15, PCD1.M2xx0, PCD2.M4x60, PCD3.Mxx60, PCD3.M6880 are available on the support homepage as well in the SBC PG5 update manager

This COSinus maintenance Firmware 1.26.31 do support the BACnet Rev. 9 and can be used on the following systems:

  • PCD1.M2220-C15
  • PCD1.M2xx0
  • PCD2.M4x60
  • PCD3.Mxx60
  • PCD3.M6880

The corresponding BACnet firmware 1.26.31 and the LonIP firmware 1.26.31 for this PCD's are also available on the support homepage.

The firmware are available on the support homepage as well in the SBC PG5 update manager.

This firmware should be used if BACnet Rev.9 is required in the application.

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
