Are the VPN routers Q.NET-EBW-xxx and the SBC Connectivity Service Q.NET-CON still available and supported by SBC?

FAQ #102062

Since end of 2022, the VPN routers Q.NET-EBW-xxx and the SBC Connectivity Service Q.NET-CON are no more sold and supported by SBC.

The supplier of the VPN routers, the company Insys, will take over the sale, support and maintenance of the VPN routers and the SBC Connectivity Portal from 2023.

The VPN routers (Q.NET-EBW-xxx) sold by SBC have been discontinued by our supplier, the company Insys. As a result, SBC will no longer offer new products from them.

In conjunction with this the SBC Connectivity Portal will cease operating at the end of 2022.


This should not result in any disadvantages for you.

We have made arrangements with Insys and you will be able to obtain the products from them directly in the future.

You will also receive up-to-date information straight from the manufacturer and Insys will support the existing as the new products.

Contact person at Insys:

Sabine Bleicher
Team Head Inside Sales
T: +49 941 58692-370
M: +49 15120783034

Our SBC Connectivity Portal (Q.NET-CON) will be migrated to the Insys Connectivity Portal. You do not need to do anything. We will take care of everything and transfer all customers and devices to the Insys portal. Nothing needs to be done with routers already installed and in use. However, you will need to use the Insys URL address when accessing the new portal from your PC.


Your access data (user name and password) will remain the same as for the SBC Connectivity Portal.

The migration has taken place on the 13.12.2022.

From this date, please use only the new address. The old SBC address will be deactivated at the same time and can no longer be used from this date.

Products affected:

Discontinued products Successor product(s) from Insys

There are various products.

Insys is happy to help you to find the

most suitable product.



For any support request or technical data as well as details of prices, availability and delivery times for successor products, please contact Insys directly.

For technical support, see

Categories PLC Accessories

Last update: 09.01.2023 14:17

First release: 09.01.2023 09:23

Views: 4

The requested software / document is no longer marketed by Saia-Burgess Controls AG and without technical support. It is an older software version which can be operated only on certain now no longer commercially available products.
