Why the error message ‘Direct I/O access is not allowed by this device type' is displayed if the PG5 project is compiled?

FAQ #102054

The error is shown due of an error on the HD_log Fupla library 

Error description:

An error message ‘Direct I/O access is not allowed by this device type' is displayed when the PG5 project is compiled and if the project contains ‘HDLog File’ or ‘HDLog File 4’ FBoxes and the device type is a pWeb Panel such as PCD7.D457VT5F or a Room Web panel such as PCD7.D443WT5R.


Error message is displayed only on PG5 2.3.192 or newer versions of PG5
and if HD_log FBox library 2.6.311 or older are used.


The error message is displayed due of an error on the HD_log Fupla library



To solve the issue, the HD_log FBox library 2.6.312 or newer must be used.


S-Web Technology / S-Monitoring


PG5 2.3

PG5 2.3 / Fupla

Last update: 21.10.2021 13:48

First release: 21.10.2021 12:37

Views: 3

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