PG5 2.1 and 2.2 with E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, why the S-Bus communication on the master PCD stops either after a certain time?

FAQ #102009

Due to an error on the E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, the S-Bus communication stops after a certain time, if the communication mode ‘on Event’ or ‘on Sampling time n’ has been selected on the S-Bus communication FBoxes

Problem description:
If on the S-Bus FBox ‘SEND’ or ‘RCV’ the communication mode ‘on Event’ or ‘on Sampling time n’ was selected then after the update of the PG5 E-Line S-Bus communication library < 1.2.110, the S-Bus communication of the ‘SEND’ or ‘RCV’ FBox stops after a certain time and no S-Bus data’s are exchanged to the S-Bus slaves.
This problem occurs on all possible communication channels like RS485 or Ethernet.

The communication works well, if on the above mentioned FBoxes the communication mode was set to ‘On each cycle’ or ‘on data change’.

Detail information about the behavior:
Communication stops after a certain time:

The communication stops after 24 days after a power on of the PCD because the PCD internal millisecond systemcounter which is used for the event transmission has reached his maximum value and will be reseted to the value 0. Due of an error on the FBox library, this situation leads then to the communication failure.

Either configure the communication mode in the ‘old’ FBox to ‘On each cycle’ or ‘on data change’ or use the E-Line S-Bus communication library 1.2.110 or newer.
The error is fixed in the FBox library 1.2.110, means the ‘event’ or ‘on sampling time’ communication runs well.

Related Files:


Communication / Ether-S-Bus

PG5 2.1

PG5 2.1 / Fupla

PG5 2.1 / FBox Libraries

PG5 2.2

PG5 2.2 / Fupla

PCD1 / E-Line

Last update: 29.11.2017 14:34

First release: 12.06.2017 13:46

Views: 15554

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