On PG5 2.2.130, why it’s no more possible to access from scada or web page to the HEVAC F-Box ‘Override digital’ and ‘Override numeric’ and to manipulate/force the F-Box internal adjust parameters from scada or web page?

FAQ #101980

Due of an error in PG5 2.2.130 it’s no more possible to manipulate/force the F-Box internal adjust parameters from scada or web page of the 2 above mentioned F-Boxes and therefore it’s not possible to use the override functionally of the F-Boxes.

The problem does occur only, if one of the two above mentioned F-Boxes are new placed in a Fupla page in PG5 2.2.130 and if the F-Box does contains ‘user defined internal static variables’ and the definition of the ‘user defined internal static variables’ was done over the ‘right mouse click menu’ ‘Adjust Parameters’

There is no problem if:

  • The project was taken over from PG5 2.1 and on this project in the F-Boxes there was a user defined or a system defined variable.
  •  The F-Box is placed new in Fupla of PG5 2.2.130 and the internal symbols are ‘system defined’

Correction is done in the Hotfix 1 for PG5 2.2.130 or since PG5 2.2.140


PG5 2.2

PG5 2.2 / Fupla

Last update: 17.10.2016 12:18

First release: 01.06.2016 16:09

Views: 3

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