In PG5, it’s possible to update the initial values of DB elements with the actual online values used on the PCD?

FAQ #101960

Yes it’s possible to update the initial values of a DB with the actual online values of the PCD.

To do this just open the DB when PG5 is online with the PCD and right mouse click, then select the option 'Upload' from the context menu.

In PG5 it’s possible to define the initial values of a DB.
This initial values are downloaded with the application program and are used as first time values if the DB is loaded the first time or after a restore of the program

Definition of the initial values:

Actual online values:

Upload function:


DB with new initial values:




PG5 2.0 / PG5

PG5 2.0

PG5 2.0 / Fupla

PG5 2.0 / SEdit (IL programming)

PG5 2.0 / Symbol Editor

PG5 2.0 / DDC Suite

Last update: 31.08.2015 15:09

First release: 31.08.2015 14:50

Views: 3

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