After a „Reload“, the displayed HDLog Trend is not focused on the right, most actual, time

FAQ #101945

If one updates in the Browser his HDLog Trends using the “Reload” button, the new historic trends are well loaded. Nevertheless, the focus of the view is not automatically set to the right, most actual, time. One always needs to scroll to the right to see the most actual logs.                 

With a very small, but precise modification, you can modify the behavior of the “Reload” button. This way, you will force the focus of the displayed trend to the most actual values. No need to scroll to the right in the time-axis anymore.

Here is the description how to proceed.

WebEditor 5:
- Ungroup the used macro from the family “SBCHDLogTrendMacro”
- Select the button “Reload”
- Go into the tab “Actions Set Variables”
- Modify the content of the “Value” field to write the constant “REINIT2” into the specific Container
- Regroup the macro and make out a template of this macro. So you can re-use it in your next projects

WebEditor 8:
- Select the macro of the family “SBCHDLogTrendMacro”
- Select the “Reload” button through the “Document Outline” window
- In the “Actions” tab you can see which function is called by the button
- Select this function
- Modify the function to do a “Write” “Constant” “REINIT2” into the internal variable
- You can create a new template out of this macro to be able to re-use it in your next projects
Side effect of "REINIT2":
The command "REINIT2" deletes all in the Browser cached Trends. All the cached Trends of the instance/macro, where the command "REINIT2" is executed will be deleted. This means, that all the Trends of the macro are newly loaded. This results in longer loading times as usually expected.

Please pay attention:
This solution works very well for the actual MicroBrowser Windows Applications (min. V138.2) and the MicroBrowser Panels. BUT, this mechanism doesn’t work with computer browsers that are using the Java Applet. The command “REINIT2” is simply ignored by the Applet v5.15.03. SBC will have to provide this feature in a next Applet version.


S-Web Technology

Last update: 26.05.2015 06:00

First release: 02.04.2015 07:57

Views: 11

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