Change of TCP Port Number. How to connect through FTP from WebEditor 8?

FAQ #101911

The TCP port of the FTP server is set by default to 21. It can be changed or adapted for any reasons.


If the WebEditor project is downloaded through FTP Server, the port should be specified and added to the IP address under "Host name".



For FTP communication the port 21 is set as default in WebEditor 8 as well as in the device configurator.
Just add the port after ":" in the adress. 

The same procedure could be use with Httpdirect function

The example below does show how the host name have to be defined if the FTP communication has to be done over the port 28.


Related Files:


PG5 2.0 / FTP-Server

Tips for SBC internals / http-direct

Last update: 28.05.2015 13:27

First release: 17.07.2014 13:39

Views: 122

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