PCD1.Room (PCD1.R2110R1) goes to HALT after Power on
FAQ #101901
After Power on the PCD goes to HALT with the message:
IO HW Lock Fail
If you go online with the online configurator, you get the following message:
The module PCD2.W525 was removed.
The module PCD2.W525 has to be plugged into Slot1.
The following explanation is from the manual 27-619_EN:
Slot 1 is only for operation with a PCD2.W525 module. This module is factory installed and included with delivery.
If this module is removed, the PCD1.Room cannot switch into RUN mode.
PCD1 / M2xx0
Last update: 29.05.2015 08:43
First release: 13.05.2014 09:53
Views: 171