Why the connection to the PCD over SOCKET is not working if DHCP is enabled in the device configurator?

FAQ #101872

If DHCP is enabled in the PG5 device configurator, then the PCD is no longer accessible via the SOCKET connection.

The problem occurs with FW1.22.28 and PG5 version < 2.1.310.


If DHCP is enabled, the Parameter "CFG-SBusIp,Enabled" and CFG-SBusIp,PGU" are written to 0 and therfore the S-Bus IP is turned off.

The problem has been corrected in the PG5 version 2.1.310



Communication / Ether-S-Bus

Local FAQ Deutschland / Device Configurator

Last update: 30.05.2015 21:35

First release: 29.10.2013 12:21

Views: 372

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