On PG5 2.1.200, the online view on Fupla does show a randomly status of the connections between F-Boxes. (only for non NT-Systems)

FAQ #101859

Due of an error on PG5 2.1.200 it’s possible that on non NT Systems (PCS1, PCD1.M1xx, PCD2.M1xx) the Fupla online connections between F-Boxes does show a randomly status.

That means that the connection between F-Boxes are set to 0/1 not as they should but in a randomly way.

It’s possible that on the history there is also an error message ‘IR Overflow’ (Index Register Overflow)


It’s possible that on the history there is also an error message ‘IR Overflow’ (Index Register Overflow)


This error is ‘only’ an error of the Fupla online view, but does not affect the program execution, means that the program execution is performed correctly.

To avoid the error do not use the option ‘Synchronous data view’ (Menu online in Fupla)

The error is fixed in PG5 2.1.210.



/ Fupla

Last update: 31.05.2015 18:30

First release: 20.09.2013 07:28

Views: 3007

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